Hip and Knee Orthopaedic Surgeon

Meet Dr Jonathan Young

Dr Jonathan Young is a highly trained and qualified Orthopaedic Surgeon with particular expertise in sport and joint replacement surgery. He is currently a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at six Hunter Region hospitals and Director of Orthopaedics for Hunter New England Health. He completed his Orthopaedic training in 1994.

Dr Young grew up on the shores of Lake Macquarie, was captain of his local high school and completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of Newcastle, the first Orthopaedic Surgeon to have graduated from the University. Dr. Young also studied Arts and was awarded the A.Mus.A in flute. After completing University he worked in the major teaching hospitals in Sydney for two years before one year as a General Practitioner. On entering surgical training, he was awarded the Gordon Gordon-Taylor medal for highest score in Australia for the Surgical Primary Examination.

More about Jonathan

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